
We make a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter specifying which exhibitions have been there with photos, which exhibits there are still arriving, invitations and other such. To register for this newsletter please enter your e-mail address in the form on this page and stay informed!

Latest news :

Newsletter January/February 2017 :

The year 2017 is already 2 months on its way. We had a good and busy start of the year. We scheduled and we have set up new exhibitions and we closed other exhibitions. See the overview below for more information.
The start up of XELBOO is very promising, and we are spending lots of time and energy in this.
We combine XELBOO activities with the activities for Lbetho Art as we are having the same objectives
The weather is very unstable, one day it feels like spring, the other day it feels like winter. The winter is a period of rest and nature needs the rest to be able to blossom abundant in spring again. The snow in our woods is always beautiful, it looks like we are walking in a Christmas card. The snow is mostly very untouched, so then we see how much life there is in the woods. There are a lot of traces from roes, foxes, rabbits, hares, birds and so on.

Newsletter December 2016 :

t is almost Christmas and we are just a few days away untill we step into another new year.
As always we look back on the last year and make new plans for the year to come.
The future is uncertain so we don’t know what will be the outcome of all these plans. We react on reality and sometimes it does not match with all our plans.We keep our goals unchanged, but sometimes we have to adapt the timing to reach our goals. We do not control the entire world! Looking back, we have worked very hard last year and we have accomplished a lot of our goals and objectives.
Lbetho Art is getting more invitations to participate in international exhibitions, that means that our corporate image is increasing quickly.
Due to the hectic Xelboo activities we have participated in less exhibitions than we did in other years.
But, of course, we participated Art Basel in Miami. For us, we had less visitors than other years, mainly because the location was moved to a more remote location. Nevertheless we are looking back on a very successful stay in Miami.
We have combined activities to promote Lbetho Art and Xelboo. Alongside the art fair we also visited some prospects in the neighbourhood of Miami.
And of course after the art fair we enjoyed a short stay on Key largo for a few days of sunshine, and sandy beach to relax.
See the pictures below of the beautiful sunsets we enjoyed almost daily over there.

Upcoming exhibitions :

Amsterdam International Art Fair in the “Beurs van Berlage” Amsterdam from August 25 till August 26 2017

Den Bosch The exhibition “The power of the essence of religions. It’s just about expressions” at Galerie Grang de Paul from September  17 till October 28 .

Miami Art Basel December 4 till December 10 2017

The Colorfield Performance in Friesland from May 15 till September 30 2018


Upcoming exhibitions :

Amsterdam International Art Fair in the “Beurs van Berlage” Amsterdam from August 25 till August 26 2017

Den Bosch The exhibition “The power of the essence of religions. It’s just about expressions” at Galerie Grang de Paul from September  17 till October 28 .

Miami Art Basel December 4 till December 10 2017

The Colorfield Performance in Friesland from May 15 till September 30 2018

Exhibitions 2017 :

Boekarest. The series “No strings attached” has moved from Straatsburg to Boekarest for July and August.

Straatsburg The series  “No strings attached” has moved from Dusseldorf to Straatsburg from March till the July 14.

Tongeren België At Galerie Global Art in Tongeren België I have a group exhibition from March 5 until March 26 and from May 7 till May 28

Boxtel A solo exhibition at Huisartsenpraktijk Leenders en Van Riel from May 17 till September 27

Den Bosch The exhibition  “The line between love and hate” at the Galerie Grang de Paul will last from January 29 till March 11

Innsbruck Oostenrijk  In the Hilton Hotel in Innsbruck I have an exhibition from Januari till today.

Exhibitions 2016 :

Miami Art Basel from Wednesday November 20 till Sunday December 4 I will showcase my work, like every year, in Miami during Art Basel.

Sint Oedenrode In the beautiful garden of the Peppelhoeve I will exhibit a large number of works from Sunday September 25 till Januari 20. During the opening on September 25 I will paint the whole day outside.

Rotterdam Rotterdam International Art Fair in the stunning Laurenskerk (church) from Friday September 9 till Zaterdag September 10. I will exhibit a selection of my series “Celebrations” and some of my art wooden shoes.  

Zaandam Art Square Zaansche Schans. One day exhibition in a beautiful surroundings with windmills, tulips and wooden shoes. I will also paint outside that day. Saturday August 20.

Boxtel In the restaurant Molenwijk in a beautiful park in Boxtel I will have an exhibition from June 7 till September 28.

Dusseldorf  The series “No strings attached” is moved from  the Hilton Hotel in Copenhagen to the Hilton Hotel in Dussldorf. This exhibition is from June 1 till the end of the year 2016.

Baarle Nassau In Baarle Nassau I have an exhibition in the  Molenstraat with Wikreate4u. Ik showcase 20 little paintings  (Celebrations).This exhibition was showcased for 3 month in April till June.

Munchen In the Hilton Hotel City Centre in the executive lounge I showcase 8 paintings from April 1 till the end of May. This exhibition is extended till the end of July.

Den Bosch Galerie Grang de Paul Expositie “Inspirator Jeroen Bosch, struggle between Madness and Reality in painting” This is an exhibition with paintings inspirerend by Jeroen Bosch. I will showcase 6 paintings here, of which 4 completely new.

Haarlem Kunstkelder Raaks Halle exhibition January 3 till 28

Exhibitions 2015 :

Miami Art Basel fair Spectrum show 2 december t/m 6 december

Den Bosch Galerie Grang de Paul expositie “Bewuste pure kunst” 22 november t/m 3 januari 2016

Malmö exhibition in the Scandic Triangeln Hotel November to January 2016

Sint Oedenrode Business center exhibition 9 Oktober t/m 26 January 2016

Kopenhagen Gedurende de hele maand oktober heb ik een expositie in het Hilton Hotel in Kopenhagen.

Boxtel Kunstroute 3 en 4 oktober

Utrecht RelatieZ beurs 10 september

Willemstad  Art Fair 1 augustus

Monaco Art Monaco van 9 t/m 12 juli

Den Bosch Galerie Grang de Paul expositie “Het galgemaal” 5 juli t/m 3 augustus

Lithoijen Kunstbeurs van Noord Brabant van 25 juni t/m 28 juni

Boxtel Restaurant de Waag van 4 juni t/m eind september

Vancouver Art! Vancouver 21 mei t/m 24 mei

Lisse Keukenhof Kunstplein 29 april t/m 3 mei

Den Bosch Galerie Grang de Paul expositie “Hello Spiritual continent” 26 april t/m 24 mei

New York Art Expo 23 april t/m 26 april

Delft Galerie Kunst aan de Kade   Biënnale 17 april t/m 10 juli

Gorinchem  Zorgcentrum Het Gasthuis expositie van 30 maart t/m 29 mei

Den Bosch   Galerie Grang de Paul expositie “1 life story, 4 art works” 11 januari t/m 8 februari


Paris, France: Carrousel Du Louvre

24/10/2014 – 26/10/2014

Miami, USA: Basel Art Fair

03/12/2014 – 07/12/2014

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