African Dreams

I have called my company Lbetho Art. Lbetho comes from my name, but also sounds somewhat African. My first series of paintings is called “Africans Dreams” and is inspired by Africa. I have adopted an orphan elephant in Kenya (Ithumba). It was called Sian, she died at the age of five. My new foster elephant child is called Tano, she lives in Nairobi. Both elephants are allowed to play a little more in my paintings. On them the series “African Dreams” is based.

And now there’s music

Commissioned by a company I made paintings with an impression of their logo. This logo had the form of a DNA string. I used  this string  in various shapes and colors in the painting process. I thought that was so fun and cheerful and reminded me of a piano.  That is why I continued to use it in this series. But I still use the DNA string sometime in paintings in other series.


This series is like small sweets at a party. To relax, to enjoy alone or with friends, but also to try out different flavors.

The paintings in this series are small gems, all 20 x 20 cm and framed in a simple wooden frame, ready to hang or to put down.

I have created this series for promotional purposes to clients and relations. For companies this is an excellent opportunity to use these celebrations as a promotional gift to their relations. Every celebration in this series is unique. The clients may express a preference for certain colors and image, but still every painting is just a bit different than the others. That makes such a gift so special. And also very affordable, especially for large series interesting prices are applicable.

Comissioned art

The customer may indicate what’s important in a painting, theme, colors, logo. I can also make an artwork by following an example. Obviously the size is also completely free, large or small, everything is possible. I paint, of course, in my own style, so a big chance that there is a fantasy animal skipping across the canvas. See also Relations gifts and our Art Wooden shoes

It’s only words

In this series, in addition to animals, letters, play a main role. The intention is that a customer (company or private) buys the first letter of his name, or the whole name. The letter also plays a leading role in the title.

These paintings I mainly create in commission.

Just a perfect day

This series is based on the nature around my home address. I live in a nature reserve with forests and situated directly along a large lake. Every day is different, but nature is always wonderful. Also when it rains, it is a good day. Then the lake gets filled with water  and that is good for all life in the Lake: frogs, toads, dragonflies and such. That attracts a lot of birds and that increases the live in the forest. So every day is a perfect day to enjoy.

Thanks to all nature around the House I am also positive in life. In nature everything happens for the best, as the sun always shines after the rain and after the winter always comes the summer. So unpleasant events are always followed by better times. The darkest hour is just before dawn.

No strings attached

This is a series of painting which have all black lines in it. Next to each other or crossing each other, making loops and patterns which makes some kind of an image. This image is partly colored with one or more colors.

This series is completed by paintings which is some kind of hybride paintings and has the characteristics of two series: this one and the series Celebrations. I use thick paint in these paintings and work on that with my fingers.

The series consists of paintings with measures 60x80cm (23,6×31,5 inch), 80x60cm (31,5×23,6 inch), 60x60cm (23,6×23,6 inch) and 80x80xm (31,5×31,5 inch). All paintings are framed in a simple black frame.


Passion for freedom

What is the meaning of freedom? Are wild animals free? Even if they have to find food in the cold winters and look for shelter against the cold? Is it not better to be in a cage, but well taken care of in a warm room and plenty of food? Does animals know the concept of freedom?

And when you play your part in life, but you don’t want this role anymore, when you need to hide behind a mask to be able to live, when you have to pretend? All these questions play a major part in my new series “Passion for freedom”


A series of paintings regarding all seasons. I think everyday is a perfect day, to live fully and enjoy. Every season has its beauty and charmes, if you can and want to see and feel it.

The Day After

A series of paintings where the emotions show the effects on an (for us) unknown event. The emotions tell the story and makes us clear what the unknown event could have been. In some paintings the emotions are more obvious by using bright colors in combination with monochroom.

Hand painted art wooden shoes

Hand painted art wooden shoes by LbethO :

Our hand painted art wooden shoes by Lbetho are unique. Every wooden shoe is painted by hand. So there are similar shoes, but not exactly the same. Even within a pair of shoes, the shoe4466 – 002bew (Kopie)s differ from each other slightly.

Order in different sizes:

All wooden shoes can be ordered in every size, from size 4,5 till size 13.5. The smaller sizes are not to wear, these are pure art. 4456 – 019bew (Kopie)If you order a pair of wooden shoes it is possible that colors and patterns are slightly different from the picture. It is handwork, so that is normal.


We are busy to paint the wooden shoes in all kind of colors and patterns. We are working with the small sizes as an artwork. However all sizes can be ordered. Give us 4468 – 010bew (Kopie)about one or two weeks to paint the wooden4468 – 006bew (Kopie) 4468 – 002bew (Kopie)shoes, then the product is exactly according to your wish. You can also order the clogs in your favorite color. 4469 – 017bew (Kopie)Thus you can have a beautiful collection of unique clogs. As we continue to design new patterns and color combinations you can collect the shoes as long as you wish.

Wedding clogs and other special days:

We make special wooden shoes for a wedding. As a gift for the bridal couple, but also as a gift for the guests to thank them for their presence and as a great souvenir of a beautiful day. See also our page Handpainted Weddingclogs and other special days.


Please visit also our webshop: Besides the hand painted wooden shoes by LbethO we also have beautiful pottery in Delfts Blue by the famous Royal Delft and stunning glas art by Royal Leerdam in our webshop.

Relations gifts:

We can make special hand painted wooden shoes to give a typical Dutch gift to your relations. We can translate your logo and colors in an artistic way and paint them on the wooden shoes, we do not use standard logo’s. On this way you have a unique piece of art for your special relations. And the costs are comparable to the price of a usual or standard gifts for your relations. For more information, see our page Handpainted art clogs as a business gift.

Hand painted art wooden shoes

Hand painted art wooden shoes by LbethO :

Our hand painted art wooden shoes by Lbetho are unique. Every wooden shoe is painted by hand. So there are similar shoes, but not exactly the same. Even within a pair of shoes, the shoe4466 – 002bew (Kopie)s differ from each other slightly.

Order in different sizes:

All wooden shoes can be ordered in every size, from size 4,5 till size 13.5. The smaller sizes are not to wear, these are pure art. 4456 – 019bew (Kopie)If you order a pair of wooden shoes it is possible that colors and patterns are slightly different from the picture. It is handwork, so that is normal.


We are busy to paint the wooden shoes in all kind of colors and patterns. We are working with the small sizes as an artwork. However all sizes can be ordered. Give us 4468 – 010bew (Kopie)about one or two weeks to paint the wooden4468 – 006bew (Kopie) 4468 – 002bew (Kopie)shoes, then the product is exactly according to your wish. You can also order the clogs in your favorite color. 4469 – 017bew (Kopie)Thus you can have a beautiful collection of unique clogs. As we continue to design new patterns and color combinations you can collect the shoes as long as you wish.

Wedding clogs and other special days:

We make special wooden shoes for a wedding. As a gift for the bridal couple, but also as a gift for the guests to thank them for their presence and as a great souvenir of a beautiful day. See also our page Handpainted Weddingclogs and other special days.


Please visit also our webshop: Besides the hand painted wooden shoes by LbethO we also have beautiful pottery in Delfts Blue by the famous Royal Delft and stunning glas art by Royal Leerdam in our webshop.

Relations gifts:

We can make special hand painted wooden shoes to give a typical Dutch gift to your relations. We can translate your logo and colors in an artistic way and paint them on the wooden shoes, we do not use standard logo’s. On this way you have a unique piece of art for your special relations. And the costs are comparable to the price of a usual or standard gifts for your relations. For more information, see our page Handpainted art clogs as a business gift.

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