Newsletter December 2016

t is almost Christmas and we are just a few days away untill we step into another new year.
As always we look back on the last year and make new plans for the year to come.
The future is uncertain so we don’t know what will be the outcome of all these plans. We react on reality and sometimes it does not match with all our plans.We keep our goals unchanged, but sometimes we have to adapt the timing to reach our goals. We do not control the entire world!
Looking back, we have worked very hard last year and we have accomplished a lot of our goals and objectives.
Lbetho Art is getting more invitations to participate in international exhibitions, that means that our corporate image is increasing quickly. Due to the hectic Xelboo activities we have participated in less exhibitions than we did in other years.

But, of course, we participated Art Basel in Miami. For us, we had less visitors than other years, mainly because the location was moved to a more remote location. Nevertheless we are looking back on a very successful stay in Miami.

We have combined activities to promote Lbetho Art and Xelboo. Alongside the art fair we also visited some prospects in the neighbourhood of Miami.

And of course after the art fair we enjoyed a short stay on Key largo for a few days of sunshine, and sandy beach to relax.
See the pictures below of the beautiful sunsets we enjoyed almost daily over there.


The art fair in Miami was a disappointment. There were less visitors then previous years and we did not have a good location. This year we had a shared booth with a gallery, so we had just a little space.
But we had the opportunity to visit prospects in Miami for Xelboo and Lbetho during and after the days of the art fair.

We realized some sales, but the sales overall were belowprevious years. This year we will determine in which way we can participate in Art Basel with more results.

The visits to prospects in Miami were successful. We expect to realize some commissions from these contacts. Besides that, we had a meeting on the Dutch Consulate, where we received valuable tips and some promising contacts.
See below some pictures of the art fair