Newsletter January/February 2017

The year 2017 is already 2 months on its way. We had a good and busy start of the year. We scheduled and we have set up new exhibitions and we closed other exhibitions. See the overview below for more information.
The start up of XELBOO is very promising, and we are spending lots of time and energy in this.

We combine XELBOO activities with the activities for Lbetho Art as we are having the same objectives

The weather is very unstable, one day it feels like spring, the other day it feels like winter. The winter is a period of rest and nature needs the rest to be able to blossom abundant in spring again.
The snow in our woods is always beautiful, it looks like we are walking in a Christmas card. The snow is mostly very untouched, so then we see how much life there is in the woods. There are a lot of traces from roes, foxes, rabbits, hares, birds and so on.

The exhibition in De Peppelhoeve in Sint Oedenrode

The exhibition in De Peppelhoeve, which started in summer 2016 has ended.
The paintings that came back from the exhibitie are for sale with an extra 10% discount. This special offer lasts till June 1.

The total list with paintings and pictures is on my website. Below you will find a selection of the paintings in this special offer. The measurements and prices are different.

Exhibition Den Bosch

Till March 11 you can still visit the exhibition ” The line between love and hate” in Den Bosch at  Galerie Grang de Paul
This exhibition is about all the emotions and the thin line between love and hate.
See pictures below.

Expositie Tongeren België

From March 4 till March 26 I participate in a group exhibition in Tongeren in BELGIUM bij Galerie Global Art, Maastrichterstraat 40.
I will showcase 4 paintings. The opening is on Sundayu March 5 from 14.00 tot 17.00 hour. We will be ATTENDING the opening