Welcome to LbethO Art’s

We are constantly working to improve our website and tell you all the news. We are busy with very interesting things. Our series named “No strings attached” is still going strong and constantly in exhibitions all over Europe. Our latest completed series named “Seasons” is a series with paintings in different sizes about spring, summer, fall and winter. We also started a brand-new series named “Show your true colors” The first painting in this series is “Strangers in the night”

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will receive invitations and we inform you about the latest news, exhibitions and our latest offers. No spam guaranteed.

Art as business gift :

Art gives atmosphere to corporate rooms. But did you ever think of giving art as a present? Our experience teaches that business relations truly appreciate such a personal gesture.

Art for a better world :

With our art we want to contribute to projects in the Netherlands and worldwide. Therefore we donate a big part of the profit of our paintings to charities.

How would LbethO Art brighten your room? :

Add color to your hallway, reception, or lounge. Catch a preview here…

Upcoming exhibitions

Amsterdam International Art Fair in the “Beurs van Berlage” Amsterdam from August 25 till August 26 2017

Den Bosch The exhibition “The power of the essence of religions. It’s just about expressions” at Galerie Grang de Paul from September 17 till October 28 .

Miami Art Basel December 4 till December 10 2017

The Colorfield Performance in Friesland from May 15 till September 30 2018

New series paintings

My newest series paintings is named “Seasons”. I started this series recently. The first painting in this series is ready, this one is named “The four seasons” Below you can see the growing phases of this painting.

New series of paintings

My newest series paintings is “No strings attached”. The whole series (9 paintings) is now showcased in Copenhagen in Heavenly creaturesthe Hilton Hotel till the end of August and will continue with an exhibition in Dusseldorf.

Browse the series:

African Dreams

And now there’s music


Comissioned art

Browse the series:

African Dreams

And now there’s music


Comissioned art