Inspiration from commissioned work

Regularly I make commissioned work. With a commission I get a special theme, colors or a picture which I have to translate in a painting. Sometimes it is a special occasion, like for example a wedding, or a birthday.
I also dream about this at night, but in a different way. It is more structured than most dreams I randomly get. I instruct myself to think about the painting I have to make, to think about a way to express the special theme, or occasion. I have to think about this for a few days and nights. Then suddenly I have a beginning and that is the start of the painting. I finish the painting in my head during the next few days and then I can put it on canvas.
I made the painting “Follow the leader” for the Bison Caravan, a worldwide traveling exhibition.
For the exhibition in Brasil during the Worldcup in 2014 I was invited to represent Holland. From every participating country one artist was invited to participate in the exhibition.
The theme was to tell something about your country. I translated that in 3 Old dutch songs.Dutch lion in wooden shoes5
“Hup Holland Hup” became “The Dutch lion on wooden shoes”
there at the mill I found true lovetulips and more from Amsterdam3“Daar bij die molen” became “There at the mill I found true love”
“Tulpen uit Amsterdam” became “Tulips and more from Amsterdam”